Herbert E. Randall: A Canadian Holiness Missionary in Egypt and his Quest for More of the Holy Spirit

Dan Sheffield


Herbert Randall leads us through a series of uniquely inter-connecting occurrences on the international stage. From rural eastern Ontario in the newly-minted Dominion of Canada (1867), to the churning spiritual environment within the worldwide holiness/higher-life/Keswick movement (1870s-1920s), the triumphalistic period of the British Empire following the Second Anglo-Sudan War (1896-98), eight years of village ministry during the British occupation of Ottoman Egypt (1899-1906), to his instrumental role in the ‘baptism in the Holy Spirit’ of Aimee Kennedy (1907) [later, Aimee Semple McPherson, flamboyant founder of the International Foursquare Church], and not least, initiating two separate Protestant denominations in Egypt, Randall participates in a perfect storm of historical, social and spiritual events.


Holiness Movement;Egypt; Canadian Pentecostalism

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